Moyno Pump Parts-PMV PUMP

Home » Moyno Pump Parts-PMV PUMP

The Description of Moyno pump parts

Moyno pump parts are components designed for Moyno progressive cavity pumps, renowned for their reliable and efficient performance. These parts include stators, rotors, seals, drive shafts, and other wear components that ensure the pump’s optimal functioning.

Moyno Rotors and Stators
spare parts1

The Application of Moyno pump parts

Moyno pump parts are widely used in various industries, including wastewater treatment, oil and gas, chemical processing, food and beverage, and mining. They are specifically designed to handle viscous fluids, solids, and abrasive materials with ease and precision.

The Features of Moyno pump parts

Moyno pump parts are known for their exceptional quality and durability. They are engineered with precision to ensure a perfect fit and reliable performance. These parts are resistant to wear, corrosion, and degradation, allowing the pump to operate efficiently even in demanding environments.

progressive cavity pump diagram

When to change the Moyno Pump Parts?

Moyno pump parts should be changed when signs of wear and deterioration become evident. This includes decreased pump performance, increased vibration or noise, leakage, or reduced fluid flow. Regular inspection and maintenance are recommended to identify any worn-out parts and replace them promptly to avoid further damage to the pump.